How to achieve your big, hairy audacious goals
The 3 critical things you need to do to set and achieve your goals
by Hunter Leonard – CEO, Consigli8
The term BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS GOAL was originally coined by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras in their book Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies which was first published in 1994.
Collins is quoted as saying, “The power of the BHAG is that it gets you out of thinking too small.”
I love this quirky and slightly weird term, however, in my experience it isn’t that people have a problem with thinking small.
More often than not, people have big dreams, but they don’t know how to achieve them. Or they don’t want to do the work involved in working towards a big goal.
The media has a lot to answer for when it comes to pushing the idea of a magic bullet, or instant riches.
The truth is that many more people achieve their goals in life and business through blood, sweat and tears. The key question is where and when should you sweat, when is it ok to spill some blood and is it ok to cry or not?
That is the mystery I’d like to help you solve in this article.
The setting and achieving of goals is in fact going to be the topic for a semi-regular webinar run by the Finwell Group, and I’m delighted to have the opportunity to help YOU with your goals.
By way of background, I’m a business owner and best selling published author of 10 books – the most recent being Red Giraffe, which is all about the art and science of setting and achieving your goals.
I’ve collected a series of tools, tips and advice together in this book. The same tools and tips I’ve used myself to write 10 books, to learn how to play the guitar, and to help five hundred clients in our business achieve a combined revenue growth of more than $2billion dollars over the last two decades.
There really is no mystery to setting and achieving goals, and there are three key things I’d like to share with you today:
If you can’t work out what activities contribute and where to focus, then you will never reach your goal or you will waste time and money achieving it.
In my upcoming book Red Giraffe, I share dozens of other tips, tools and advice on the topic of setting and achieving goals.
Anyone can achieve their goals if they are willing to frame the goal, be honest with their current situation, and then do the exact things that contribute to the goal on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
I wish you the best on your journey to the summit and to your dreams and goals.
For more information on our business consulting and Consigli8 – please visit or email and ask about our Introductory Diagnostic Service that will save you hundred’s of hours and thousands of dollars working out what to do next in your business.