27 May 2024, 11:58 am


Most people are planning a much more active retirement than past generations. Whether this means continuing work, learning new skills, travelling, family time or something else, it is important that you have confidence in HOW to make your future goals come true.

Achieving your ideal outcomes requires a well thought out supporting plan. This should include planning out your remaining work years, superannuation, investments and the routines you are following to maximise your wealth.

No matter where you are headed, a qualified financial advisor can help you plan your journey towards and beyond retirement.

In this article, we’d like to share a few trends about life, ageing and retirement. Maybe some of these will resonate with you and help you with your own plans.

1. We are living longer – Life expectancy in Australia has increased by 13.7 years to 81.3 for males and 11.2 years to 85.4 for females since the 1960s

2. We are earning longer – In the 20 years leading up to April 2021, the workforce participation rate of older Australians over 65 more than doubled (from 6.1% in 2001 to 15% in 2021)

3. We’re not retiring like we used to – The days of signing off from full-time work at 65, never to return, are fading, according to the latest research. In Australia, semi-retirement of two to three years is becoming the norm for those who have the money, the health, and the confidence that provides flexibility and working-life options. Since the pandemic, the retirement age has continued to go up and a KPMG study has found that, for both men 66.2 years and women 64.8, it is now the oldest since the early 1970s.

Alongside the trends above, Australians don’t plan. In fact, according to the Financial Planning Association of Australia, 63% of Australians have no plan.

With a longer potential period of not working, even if we earn longer, these trends are going to place pressure on the ability of people to fund their retirement years – whatever those years look like.

It is important that you consider your own situation, and if you don’t have a plan, put one in place. Knowing where your current position is likely to take you by retirement, whether this meets your ideal outcomes and what actions you can take to adjust you path where needed are vital to maximise the chances of you reaching your desired retirement goals.

Knowing that everyone’s current position and future goals are unique, it is important that you get guidance to understand what you can do to improve your specific circumstances. There are a myriad of potential solutions out there and it’s vital that you identify the one that fits you.

Finwell Group are a goals-based advisor who focus solely on our client’s unique circumstances and find the precise solution that meets their needs.

You are able to organise a complimentary, no-obligation initial appointment with one of Finwell Group’s Senior Consultants to review your current position and understand the various options available to you to help you meet your long-term goals.

Follow the below link to secure a time that is convenient to you for a complimentary 45-minute initial review with a Finwell Group Senior Consultant:


You can also email us at or call (03) 9017 3235.

If you’d like more general information about securing your future, we also invite you attend regular online education webinars where we discuss topics on finances, superannuation, tax and retirement. These are complimentary to attend and you are always welcome.