Unveiling the Power of ‘Why’: The Importance of Finding Your Purpose

25 September 2024, 1:00 pm

Unveiling the Power of ‘Why’: The Importance of Finding Your Purpose

For thousands of years, men and women have sought the answer to that big question:

Why are we here?

Perhaps the reason a single answer has evaded us is because the ‘Why’ is uniquely ours.

I’m sure you have noticed that even from a very young age, children express their unique individuality and personality.

We all have things we seem to be innately good at, or at least better than our peers.

We gravitate to spending time doing those things because they fill us with joy.

Our ‘Why’ is personal to us.

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Unfortunately, in the modern world, the media and conflicted interests ram other purposes into our minds every day. And sometimes our true purpose gets lost in the noise of worries and concerns about ‘just getting by’.

The truth is when we reconnect with our ‘Why’ – our purpose – we can reignite the joy in our lives and make the everyday journey towards those goals much more fulfilling.

In fact, even the same supposedly mundane things like work and making money become more doable, and we become more successful at them because we are doing them to support and advance our ‘Why’.

A ‘Why’ taps into your beliefs, values and lifetime aspirations. It ensures that decisions we make are aligned with our true selves and ideal outcome. Having a clear ‘Why’ helps prioritise goals and make focused decisions with purpose and determination.

A great book to read on this subject is ‘Finding Your Why’ by Simon Sinek.

When you set out on the journey to create wealth, it is vital to make the choices that are right for you. The key to making the right decision is to understand why you are making the decision in the first place.

So, what are you trying to achieve with your wealth?

  • A comfortable retirement?
  • A legacy for the kids?
  • To make life better for others or the world around you?

These outcomes need a definition and specific actions on how you will get there.

For example, if a goal is to have a comfortable retirement, you need to define what a comfortable retirement is to you. What lifestyle do you want to maintain and how much will this cost? What financial position do you need to be in when you retire to fund that lifestyle? What actions do you need to take from now to achieve that financial position?

We recommend you define your ‘Why’ with specific outcomes regarding the time and money required to achieve it. You can do this by writing S.M.A.R.T goals.

Money is not a ‘Why’ in most cases. Money is a vehicle for achieving the ‘Why’.

This is why money goals and time alone are no use, and a why can sometimes be aspirational.

Connect the ‘Why’ to a ‘How’ and a ‘When’ and that is where the magic happens.

If you’d like some support with connecting your ‘Why’ to real world action plans, Finwell Group can help you. This is after all the purpose of setting goals with a supporting financial plan.

In a complimentary initial review with a Finwell Group Senior Consultant, you can get help with identifying your real ‘Why’, know whether you are currently heading towards it and understand what you can change to get on the right path to achieve your desired ‘Why’.

Book a complimentary review with a Finwell Group Senior Consultant via this link and select a day & time that is convenient to you.

You’ve got nothing to lose, and everything to gain. This complimentary appointment offer is for a limited time only. Take the first step TODAY towards your ideal financial future.

Alternatively, you can call Finwell Group on (03) 9017 3235 or email better@finwellgroup.com.au

The information in this article is general in nature and does not take your specific needs or circumstances into consideration, so you should look at your own financial position, objectives and requirements and seek financial advice before making any financial decisions.